so today i feel like talking about small bathrooms(ps. for those of us who still live in small apartments and stuff)
So for people who live in small apartments we often find ourselves with a small compartment in our house that serves both as the bathroom and the toilet, yes?
yeah I bet most people can fully relate.
so many a time we find that the bathroom is cramped and there isn't enough space for all the personal effects that we may need in our "cleaning space"..(I hope no one saw what I did there ;)"
First things first the place that has to be fully utilized is the window brim......yes I know many have utilized it so far....but question is...have you utilized it fully?.....haha well yes that should be a question you should ask yourself. so in order to utilize can take a piece of wood, good quality wood, measure it according to the dimensions of your brim and your desired length and well attach it to your brim....this should depend on the amount of stuff you,ll be putting here, I recommend light stuff though just to be on the safe side. this would also work perfectly if your window is up above your toilet.
see the extension over can add you own then maybe paint it to a color that you desire just to give it a mmore finished look.
you place stuff like the toilet cleaner, showergel (if you use that) and any other stuff that you use in your bathroom....even a flower vase with a flower just to add onto the decor of you bathroom.
Next is the area around your toilet. So on top of the tank cover your toilet you can just get a towel to put on and your air freshener. I find this suitable because this is a bathroom cum toilet and definitely whilst showering you will definitely spill water on your toilet seat. this towel will come in handy to wipe off the water droplet when going to use your toilet coz I don't think anyone likes to seat on a wet toilet seat. you should have a variety of this towels just so that you can replace one while having washed the other. you can get them in whichever color or pattern that you desire. this would be suitable to also place your tissue hollder just incase you do not have one. speaking of te tissue holder if you do decide to put one or if you do have one you should have a cover for it. this is to ensure that it is kept dry fromwater spills as you shower. if you are getting, get one with a cover just like this one, plus this one just looks classy. you can also get this from your local hardware store.there are many designs that you can pick on dependign on your preference ofcourse
We can move on to the showering part which is mostly close to the toilet. the only thing recommended here would definitely be an on wall soap dish( i don't know it's fancy name though). Ehem yes that you can just place it at your preferred height probably near the shower handles. I feel that it looks better can get one of this at your local supermarket though this would be the cheap plastic type with rubber holders that will often slide out of their position..for a more classy feel you can look for one in your local hardware store that is attached using a screw just to ensure you avoid the whole sliding off scenario.
On to the sink area......uhm so here again you can get a wooden plank, paint it to your desired color and place it above the mirror or if you are too short then you can get a good design and fix it just next to the mirror and put there personal effects like toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving creams etc it should just be a small compartment so as not to occupy a large amount of space, or get a metal one and attach it to the corner, looks simple and classy. you can include a simple towel hanger just close by for wiping hands after washing.
the toilet brush can be kept right behind the toilet. you can get avariety of them at your local store. i saw some at Nakumatt and completely fell for them.
you can place your bin right under your sink. of course get a bin that you fel suits your style best.
the last thing one should consider is getting a pair of sliipers to place just outside the door of y our bathrromm as the floor tends to be wet. get good rubber soled ones as the bathroomfloor will also tend to be slippery especially if made from ceramic tiles or soft terrazo.
below are photos of more ideas or concepts that you can include in your bathroom.
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